Contributing to the reduction of poverty by improving provided services, raising awareness and building capacities. More specifically, IDSC works within this area on three components: 1) Education and Literacy; 2) Health; 3) Support for civil society organizations and capacity building. This area of work is mandated to ensure the availability of educated, skilled, healthy and productive human resources that contribute efficiently to the local and regional development.
Promoting demand for labor and labor absorption in the local and national economy through employment, social protection, developing professional attitudes, technical vocational skills of community structures and individuals, and improving the economic security of vulnerable households with special focus on women.
Working towards peaceful coexistence, creating community-based peace- builders with the capacities to address and transform conflict in a non-violent way. This is done by building the capacities of youth, social, and political activists on peace, conflict transformation, diversity, human rights, intercultural dialogue, gender and democratic development. All the three areas of intervention are interrelated and directly linked to each other as well as to other areas such as culture, heritage and media. With this understanding, IDSC always adapts a holistic approach during the designing and the implementation of its activities and services on the ground, not only to achieve the expected result, but also to contribute in promoting a comprehensive understanding of sustainable development on local and regional levels.
is a long term project that aims at promoting peaceful coexistence by bringing together three community structures (civil society organizations, church and mosque). This expanded their capacity to build a culture of tolerance to address their communities� challenges together. Funded by MEPI and implemented in three governorates namely: Cairo, Behira and Sohag. Once trained on peace concepts and citizenship, all stakeholders implement community initiatives that engage all local players to address common challenges. Through a coaching approach, the project also aims to empower a core of 900 volunteers who will be expected to spread out tolerance, acceptance and respect of diversity among their peers. This is done through media production promoting the concepts such as peace and citizenship in their communities.
Funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), this project is designed to ensure that both Egyptian & Syrian job-seeking youth are given equal opportunities in career guidance, market driven capacity building and job opportunities. �Inclusive Employment Centre� provides both Egyptians and Syrians with needed skills (in accordance to market demand) as well as providing access to job opportunities while ensuring that placed job seekers are treated fairly and not subjected to any exploitation or abuse at workplace.
In the framework of the �Efficient Farming Practices� project implemented in cooperation with Development Business Association and funded by the European Commission, IDSC is responsible of both the education and health component. The aim of this action is to improve the existing health conditions of farmers and their families in Monshaat Abdallah, Bani Saleh and Zawiat kardasa, as well as to decrease the illiteracy among the target group.
Whether we are designing and implementing a project or providing consultancy, we ensure the integration of every member of our team. Senior management, technicians or interns, we listen to all ideas and value every input to ensure high quality delivery of our action and services while respecting all perceptions and backgrounds.
We believe it is imperative to fully understand the needs of our beneficiaries before approaching any mission or project. In many cases and when applicable, we work directly with beneficiaries to clearly define scopes of work and solutions. Only then, we are able to design and develop interventions that truly address critical challenges for the groups targeted.
Our senior management and consultants have accumulated expertise based on deep contextual understanding of the community-based challenges facing the socioeconomic and democratic development in the region.
We recognize the importance of mainstreaming clear and visible strategies from the design phase of any developmental intervention. We likewise recognize the need for intervention benefits to be sustainable, where possible, beyond the life of the program. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of clearly defined responsibilities from project inception for all key stakeholders including donors, implementing agency, government and communities. Moreover, our programs contain strong capacity development and system strengthening components to enable communities and/or government to continue interventions once the program has ended.
In IDSC we believe in learning as ongoing process, we look at every project, activity and consultancy mission not only as an opportunity for change but also as a an opportunity for learning. Each experience helps to further develop our strategies, adapt our schemes and better understand our mission in term of providing solution to developmental challenges.